Scalex Scale-Link Wireless 3 - 02002
Digital Take Off Measurements Wirelessly
Scalex Scale-Link Wireless 3 is the industry standard take-off tool for construction estimating entering linear measurements from your blueprints, maps, or plans into any Windows program wirelessly. Just roll the scaler wheel along your print, then click to instantly transfer the measurement into your program. The Scalex Scale-Link Wireless3 unit has 16 available built in communication channels to send data to your computer which prevents errors from multiple users in the same office as each user with a PlanWheel Wireless 3 can select their own channel or frequency. The included PlanWheel can be used remotely in the field or interfaced with your PC at distances of up to 25 feet.
Scale-Link is specially suited for: All Windows construction estimating software Excel, Quatro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3 and other spreadsheets Access, dBase, Paradox, Foxpro, and other databases * Many of the leading estimating software companies like Accubid Estimating, Cert-In, ConEst and many others have integrated the PlanWheel XLU directly into their respective estimating programs and are certified as "Scalex-Ready". With these products, you do not need the Ready-Connect software - just plug in your PlanWheel and go.
Curvimètre digital avec liaison PC.. sans fil
Calcul sur plan 111 échelles métriques et anglaises +2 libres avec interface pour PC
Un outil précis et facile d’emploi pour mesurer des distances.
• Les mesures sont affichées en miles, en kilomètres ou en milles marins.
• 111 échelles métriques et anglaises intégrées sont disponibles. de 1:1 à 1:9 500
• Une option vous permet d'entrer manuellement vos 2 propres échelles.
• Un son clair et audible indique que la roulette tourne.
• la valeur mesurée s'affiche directement dans une cellule excel en liaison WIFI sans fil
• L’instrument s’éteint automatiquement.
• Il utilise deux piles AAA (incluses)
• Précision ±0.25%
• Lecture 1mm